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Found 24770 results for any of the keywords ngo for children. Time 0.009 seconds.
Akshaya Patra – Mid-Day Meals for ChildrenThe Akshaya Patra Foundation is an NGO for children, provides mid-day meal to government and government aided school children to stop classroom hunger.
Become a Volunteer for NGO | Education NGO | NGO VolunteerWe give an oppurtinity to become a Volunteer for NGO. Equalsign lokking for voleunteers who can serve the best. Visit the website and feed your information.
Gallery | Child care and education NGO | Top NGO for EducationThe Photo Gallery gives the ideas of our various projects and our target is to educate poor children who can t afford it. We are the Top NGO for Education.
Working Area | Poor Children Education NGO | Child EducationWorking Area for Poor Children Education NGO. Equalsign provides quality education to children. We are the best NGO for Poor Children Education.
Most Trusted NGO for Child Rights in India | Bal Raksha BharatBal Raksha Bharat is India's most trusted NGO dedicated to protecting and promoting child rights, ensuring a brighter future for every child across the nation.
Top NGO for Education | Education for every Children | About usEqualsign Foundation is a top Ngo for education who provides education for those children who can t afford it. We give quality education for every Children.
Sponsor a Child in India | Sponsor child for EducationSponsor a Child in India, Equalsign has a tagline to help children for education. Support children by Sponsorship, we have to stand together for them. Abhilakshay Educational and Welfare SocietyWe believe that nobody should sleep Hungry at Abhilakshay Educational and Welfare Society, strive to give Food through our routine system to Hungry people who don’t have access to a healthy diet.
Donate Now | Donate for Poor Children | Donate to educate childrenDonate now for poor children who can t afford education. So think and Donate for Poor Children, who really need the education for their better future.
Contact Us | Children Education for their BettermentContact Us, donate or sponsor child Education for their betterment in society. Education is fundamental to the development of child.
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